Method for triggering parallel relays and circuit for carrying o
Method for utilizing a bulk erase tool to erase...
Method for voltage control of the magnets of a magnetically levi
Method of accurately controlling the armature motion of an elect
Method of activating an electromagnetic positioning means and ap
Method of adjusting an electromagnetic actuator
Method of adjusting linearity
Method of and apparatus for controlling the opertion of electrom
Method of arranging several relay functions and a multiple...
Method of controlling an actuator
Method of controlling and controller for a refrigerator
Method of controlling armature movement in an electromagnetic ci
Method of controlling armature movements in an electromagnetic c
Method of controlling magnetic flux of electromagnet, and...
Method of controlling moving element of magnetic levitation and
Method of controlling solenoid actuator
Method of degaussing a color cathode ray tube
Method of estimating the effect of the parasitic currents in...
Method of improving magnetic devices by applying AC or pulsed cu
Method of increasing the cast-off speed of the armature in an el