Quad shaft contrarotating homopolar motor
Quadrature axis winding for sensorless rotor angular position co
Quadruple frequency converter
Quantum disk armature electric generator
Quartz crystal device
Quartz crystal device accomodating crystal blanks of...
Quartz crystal element made of double-rotation Y-cut quartz...
Quartz crystal element using a thickness shear hexagonal quartz
Quartz crystal oscillator
Quartz crystal resonator
Quartz crystal resonator
Quartz crystal resonator with improved temperature...
Quartz crystal resonator with supplemental electrodes for contro
Quartz crystal timepiece
Quartz crystal tuning fork resonator
Quartz crystal tuning fork vibrator with unexcited tine centers
Quartz crystal tuning fork with three electrodes on each major t
Quartz crystal unit
Quartz crystal unit
Quartz crystal unit and holding structure for same