Piezoelectric pick-up device for measuring pressures within holl
Piezoelectric pressure and force transducers or accelerometers
Piezoelectric pressure sensor
Piezoelectric resonators
Piezoelectric stack insulation
Piezoelectric stress/strain intrusion detectors
Piezoelectric switch activating means
Piezoelectric transducer assembly and method for generating a co
Piezoelectric transducer unit and hydrophone assembly
Piezoelectric wire matrix printer head
Piezoelectrically driven optical grating assemblies
Piezoelectrically driven tuning fork with harmonic suppression
Polymeric piezoelectric key actuated device
Power generation in underground drilling operations
Prestressed glass, aezoelectric electrical power source
Process for making a piezoelectric body
Process for manufacturing piezoelectric resonators and resonator
Pulsed droplet ejecting system