Brushless three-phase dc motor
Brushless three-phase synchronous generator having enhanced roto
Brushless two-pole generator main field leads connection to rect
Brushless type of vehicular AC generator
Brushless unequal poles controlled electric motor
Brushless vibration motor
Brushless vibration motor
Brushless vibrator motor for a wireless silent alerting device
Brushless, electronic commuted motor
Brushless, separately-excited, variable-speed motor and AC...
Bubble trap for epoxy sealant in a submersible electric motor
Buffer structure for heat dissipating fan
Built-in generator for bicycle
Built-in stator of star-winding mechanism and method of producin
Built-in wheel speed sensor structure for a car
Built-up stator assembly
Built-up stepping motor
Bulb generator stator yoke
Bulb-type generator
Bulk amorphous metal magnetic components for electric motors