Pole-amplitude modulation pole-changing electric motors and gene
Pole-amplitude modulation, pole-changing electric motors and gen
Pole-change type motor
Pole-changing three-phase winding for optional, fractional pole-
Pole-phase modulated toroidal winding for an induction machine
Pole-shoe magnet group for magnetomotive device
Polybutadiene VPI resin
Polyester films containing substantially spherical particles use
Polygon mirror motor and polygon mirror supporting structure
Polygonal shaft hole rotor
Polymer composite squirrel cage rotor with high magnetic...
Polyphase armature for a rotary electrical machine, and its...
Polyphase armature windings
Polyphase brushless DC and AC synchronous machines
Polyphase brushless DC and AC synchronous machines
Polyphase claw pole structures for an electrical machine
Polyphase DC motor with sensor poles
Polyphase direct current motor
Polyphase disc reluctance motor
Polyphase electric machines with prefabricated winding layers