Internally damped stator, rotor, and transformer and a...
Internally force-ventilated claw-pole alternator, particularly f
Internally loaded universal motor
Interphase insulating member and rotating electric machine
Interpolating step motor system with reduction drive interface
Interpole assembly for a DC machine
Inverted molded commutators
Inverter driven motor having winding termination reducing EMI
Inverter integral type motor
Inverter-driven motor
Inverter-integrated electric compressor
Inverter-integrated rotating electric machine having...
Iron core and method of manufacturing the same and apparatus...
Iron core for electric motor and electric generator
Iron core of rotating-electric machine and manufacturing...
Iron core winding, method of winding an iron core, and...
Iron-free rotary disk electrical machine
Ironless rotor winding for electric motor
Ironless rotor winding for electric motor, method and machine fo
Ironless rotor windings of rotary coils in miniature electric ma