Adaptor for shockproof socket
Adaptor for surface mount and through-hole components
Adaptor for using a plug-in type compact fluorescent lamp in an
Adaptor in apparatus for electronically testing printed circuit
Adaptor module configured to be attached to a communication...
Adaptor system between an antenna plug and a radiotelephone sock
Adaptor to allow apparatus with non-scart connectors to...
Adaptor with notched strain relief plate
Adaptor with reflection fins
Adaptor with rotary plug
Add-in card to backplane connecting apparatus
Add-on electrical assembly with light transmission means
Add-on electrical distribution assembly
Adhesive interface for electrical connector components
Adhesive laminate label for a communication connector jack...
Adhesive laminate label for a communication connector jack...
Adjunct power connector
Adjustable anchor for extension cord
Adjustable and releasable strain relief