Verifying a lawful interception system
Verifying a time-of-day counter
Verifying a time-of-day counter
Verifying and maintaining connection liveliness in a...
Verifying instant messaging aliases via online parental...
Verifying instant messaging aliases via online parental...
Verifying measurable aspects associated with a module
Verifying resource functionality before use by a grid job...
Verifying that a network management policy used by a...
Versatile network operations center and network for...
Versatile RF data capture system
Versatile system for functional distribution of location...
Versatile terminal adapter and network for transaction...
Versatile terminal adapter and network for transaction...
Version caching mechanism
Version-specific content searching
Vertical blanking interval encoding of internet addresses for in
Vertical integration of network management for ethernet and...
Vertical-mount electrical power distribution plugstrip
Video and audio streaming for multiple users