Universal network adapter for industrial control networks
Universal object request broker encapsulater
Universal plug-and-play mirroring device, system and method
Universal protocol for enabling a device to discover and...
Universal protocol for enabling a device to discover and...
Universal QoS adaptation framework for mobile multimedia...
Universal recallable, erasable, secure and timed delivery email
Universal serial bus system interface for intelligent...
Universal serializer/deserializer
Universal session sharing
Universal viewer/browser for network and system events using...
Unlimited history store for navigational web applications
Unlisted address messaging system
Unobtrusive port and protocol sharing among server processes
Unobtrusive port and protocol sharing among server processes
Unscheduled event task processing system
Unshared scratch space
Unsolicited electronic mail reduction
Unsolicited message rejecting communications processor
UOWE's retry process in shared queues environment