Using existing web-based information to generate responses...
Using expressive session information to represent...
Using feed usage data in an access controlled team project...
Using internet protocol (IP) in radio access network
Using local locks for global synchronization in multi-node...
Using local locks for global synchronization in multi-node...
Using local storage to handle multiple outstanding requests...
Using message features and sender identity for email spam...
Using networked remote computers to execute computer processing
Using one device to configure and emulate web site content...
Using PSTN to convey participant IP addresses for multimedia...
Using remote procedure calls to manage co-processor resources
Using resource item lists to consume resource items
Using semantic networks to develop a social network
Using shared data to automatically communicate conference...
Using sparse feedback to increase bandwidth efficiency in...
Using state information in a distributed environment
Using state information in requests that are transmitted in...
Using the services of different devices via service objects
Using time stamps to improve efficiency in marking fields...