Transport of reversible and unreversible embedded wavelets
Transport protocol conversion method and protocol conversion...
Transport protocol conversion method and protocol conversion...
Transport system
Transport system for instant messaging
Transport system for instant messaging
Transportable identifier and system and method to facilitate...
Transportable identifier and system and method to facilitate...
Transportable identifier and system and method to facilitate...
Transporting a WAN configuration from a PC to a residential...
Transporting a WAN configuration from a PC to a residential...
Trap control system
Traversal of symmetric network address translator for...
Traversal path-based approach to understanding user-oriented hyp
Treatment of email messages sent to a no-reply destination...
Tree-based reliable multicast system where sessions are...
Trees of classifiers for detecting email spam
Trial-before-purchase subscription game infrastructure for...
Triggered remote dial-up for internet access
Triggering a communication system to automatically reply to...