Operator-defined consistency checking in a network...
Opportunistic directory cache and method of serving target...
Opportunistic transmission of portably stored digital data
Optical CATV system having enhanced transmission efficiency of c
Optical communication network and method of remotely...
Optical routing using star switching fabric with reduced...
Optical wavekey network and a method for distributing...
Optimal all-to-all personalized exchange in optical...
Optimal internet network connecting and roaming system and...
Optimal link scheduling for multiple links
Optimal link scheduling for multiple links by obtaining and...
Optimal location service for managing next hop addressing...
Optimal movie distribution on video servers in an n-level intera
Optimal sync for rapid spanning tree protocol
Optimisation of network configuration
Optimised receiver-initiated sending rate increment
Optimistic distributed simulation based on transitive dependency
Optimistic processing of network frames to reduce latency
Optimistic transmission flow control including receiver data...
Optimistic, eager rendezvous transmission system and combined re