Unit-to-unit data exchange system, and unit, exchange...
Universal electronic resource denotation, request and delivery s
Unlimited history store for navigational web applications
Unshared scratch space
Updating data objects for dynamic application caching
Updating of embedded links in World Wide Web source pages to...
Updating the capability negotiation information of a mobile...
Use of a really simple syndication communication format in a...
Use of a single thread to support multiple network...
Use-sensitive distribution of data files between users
User configurable prefetch control system for enabling client to
User level web server in-kernel network I/O accelerator
User location dependent DNS lookup
User name and profile information management
User preference information structure having multiple...
User preference information structure having multiple...
User station software that controls transport and...
User station software that controls transport, storage, and...
Using a home-networking gateway to manage communications
Using execution statistics to select tasks for redundant...