Score-based scheduling of service requests in a grid...
Semantic interface for publishing a web service to and...
Server-group messaging system for interactive applications
Service offering for the delivery of information with...
Service-portal enabled automation control module (ACM)
Serving data from a resource limited system
Sharing sessions between web-based applications
Smart prefetching of data over a network
Software agent for comparing locally accessible keywords with me
Software to provide geographically relevant website content
Spreadsheet user-interface for an internet-document change-detec
Storage of sitemaps at server sites for holding information...
Storage system comprising function for migrating virtual...
Synchronized presentation of television programming and web cont
Synchronizing configuration information among multiple clients
Syndication methodology to dynamically place digital assets...
System and method for browser definition of workflow documents
System and method for delivering grouped web service...
System and method for delivering high-performance online...
System and method for delivering information on demand