Providing keys to share data within an instant messaging...
Providing probe signals from a node to a centralized controller
Providing remote processing services over a distributed...
Providing stateful favorites
Providing web services from a service environment with a...
Proving quality of service in layer two tunneling protocol...
Provision of services via an information technology network
Provision of transparent proxy services to a user of a...
Provisioning aggregated services in a distributed computing...
Provisioning seamless applications in mobile terminals...
Proximity-based registration on a data network telephony system
Proxy apparatus and method
Proxy architecture for providing quality of service(QoS)...
Proxy architecture for providing quality of service(QoS)...
Proxy server apparatus, a proxy server system, and a server...
Proxy system
Pseudo network adapter for frame capture, encapsulation and encr
Pseudo-random dynamic scheduler for scheduling communication...
Psuedowire termination directly on a router
PVC switching