Shared network-interface controller (NIC) using advanced...
Simultaneous media playout
Socket tool having data transfer control codes, file...
Speculative distributed conflict resolution for a cache...
Startup management system and method for rate-based flow and...
Stateless data transfer protocol with client controlled transfer
Static dense multicast path and bandwidth management
Storage system and logical unit checking method for the same
Streaming media delivery on multicast networks for network...
Streaming of data
Supplemental queue sampling technique for packet scheduling
Switching system having interconnects dedicated to store and...
Synchronized transmission of audio and video data from a...
Synchronous communication interface
Synchronous rate adapter
System and method for adaptive delivery of rich media...
System and method for adjusting the distribution of an asset...
System and method for adjusting the distribution of an asset...
System and method for application layer resource traffic...
System and method for avoiding deadlock in multi-node network