Software, method and system for data connectivity and...
Stateless message processing scheme for network processors...
Static information knowledge used with binary compression...
Stream distribution system
Subchaining transcoders in a transcoding framework
Supplemental request header for applications or devices...
Synchronization method and system for keeping track of...
Synchronization of documents between a server and small devices
System and a method for mediating within a network
System and corresponding method for providing redundant...
System and method for accessing customized information over...
System and method for aggregating channel segment ID's into...
System and method for analyzing data traffic
System and method for anonymous observation and use of...
System and method for communicating with temporary...
System and method for communication between airborne and...
System and method for constructing transactions from...
System and method for controlling routing in a virtual...
System and method for converting compact media format files...
System and method for disparate physical interface conversion