System and method for network printing using a peer hybrid...
System and method for networked endpoint registration
System and method for obtaining content from a content...
System and method for operating a transmitter to multicast...
System and method for protecting internet protocol addresses
System and method for providing access to a network with...
System and method for receiving over a network a broadcast...
System and method for redirecting a website upon the...
System and method for resolving MTA domain names
System and method for saving and reusing recently acquired name
System and method for selectively bridging and routing data...
System and method for server-side optimization of data...
System and method for specifying access to resources in a...
System and method for storage and retrieval of arbitrary...
System and method for supporting internet protocol subnets...
System and method for synchronizing copies of data in a...
System and method for synchronizing copies of data in a...
System and method for synchronizing copies of data in a...
System and method for time-constrained transmission of video...
System and method for transmission of DNS beacons