Deployment of business logic software and data content onto...
Description distributed computer system and method of...
Design for scalable network management systems
Design of computer networks
Desktop security in peer-to-peer networks
Detecting an active network node using an invalid protocol...
Detecting and diagnosing performance problems in a wireless...
Detecting and interdicting fraudulent activity on a network
Detecting and locating a misbehaving device in a network domain
Detecting and preventing undesirable network traffic from...
Detecting configuration inconsistency in storage networks
Detecting configuration inconsistency in storage networks
Detecting content and user response to content
Detecting content and user response to content
Detecting if a secure link is alive
Detecting machine utilization activity
Detecting nearby devices in a network environment
Detecting sexually predatory content in an electronic...
Detecting system reconfiguration and maintaining persistent...
Detecting whether a connection between apparatuses includes...