Redundant power system and power supply therefor
Regenerative control type switching power source device
Regulated AC-DC converter having saturation inductance in resona
Regulated bi-directional DC-to-DC voltage converter
Regulated bi-directional DC-to-DC voltage converter which mainta
Regulated blocking converter wherein switch conduction time incr
Regulated D.C.-D.C. power converter having multiple D.C. outputs
Regulated DC power supply
Regulated DC to DC converter
Regulated dc-dc converter using a resonating transformer
Regulated direct-current converter
Regulated drive for vibratory feeders
Regulated flyback converter with spike suppressing coupled induc
Regulated flyback power supply using a combination of frequency
Regulated high voltage dc-dc converter with remotely switched ou
Regulated high voltage supply
Regulated power supply
Regulated power supply circuit
Regulated power supply for rapid no-load to full-load transition
Regulated power supply for video display apparatus