Safety switch which renders hid lamp inoperative on accidental b
Safety switch which renders HID lamp inoperative on accidental b
Safety switch which renders HID lamp inoperative on _accidental
Safety switch which renders high intensity discharge lamp inoper
Sample and hold method to achieve square-wave PWM current...
Sample pulse generator for automatic kinescope bias system
Saturable reactor device for operating a discharge lamp
Saturable reactor for pincushion distortion correction
Saturable reactor with toroidal shunt paths
Saturated photon conditioning of multiple gaseous discharge pane
Saturation suppression of CRT output amplifiers
Saw-tooth wave generator
Sawtooth generator controlled in a gain control feedback loop
Sawtooth generator with disturbance signal rejection for a defle
Sawtooth generator with gain control arrangement
Sawtooth generator with s-correction
Sawtooth line circuit for a cathode ray tube
Sawtooth waveform generating circuit for utilization in a helmet
Sawtooth waveform generation for a television receiver
Sawtooth-generating circuit