Method and apparatus for uniform induction heating of an elongat
Method and apparatus for uniform microwave bulk heating of thick
Method and apparatus for variable phase induction heating and st
Method and apparatus for water vapor control in convection ovens
Method and apparatus for welding container bodies
Method and apparatus for welding pipes together
Method and apparatus for welding sheet overlaps
Method and apparatus for welding sheet overlaps
Method and apparatus for welding tapered metal poles
Method and apparatus for welding tubular members
Method and apparatus of hardening gears by induction heating
Method and apparatus of induction heating a metallic elongated m
Method and apparatus of uniform induction heating of an elongate
Method and apparatus suitable for heating relatively poorly cond
Method and appliance for cooking a frozen pizza pie with microwa
Method and appliance for cooking a frozen pot pie with microwave
Method and arrangement for controlling output power of a plurali
Method and article for microwave bonding of polyethylene pipe
Method and article for microwave bonding of splice closure
Method and circuit for controlling power level in the electromag