Device for thermically cutting of textile material
Device for transmitting an electric signal detected by...
Device for transporting recording media in printers or photocopi
Device for treating gases at high temperatures
Device for treating hair with heat and vapor
Device for unattended simultaneous heating and agitating of a bo
Device for use in installing wax foundations in bee frames
Device for warming food and beverage containers having support p
Device for welding an accessory on a pipe by means of...
Device for welding foils having different thickness along a weld
Device for welding molded plastic parts permitting simultaneous
Device in a pressure vessel for hot isostatic pressing
Device intended to detect fouling and to locally heat an electri
Device to be mounted on the front part of a motor vehicle
Device to control the cooking process in a steam pressure cooker
Device to heat infusion and transfusion solutions
Device to melt ice and snow in a roof valley
Device to melt ice and snow on a roof structure
Devices and methods for using centripetal acceleration to...
Devices comprising conductive polymer compositions