Steam curling iron having interchangeable hair winding mandrels
Steam-producing curling iron
Sterile containment welding device with self-monitoring heater u
Surgical system temperature controlled electric heating tool
Suture cutting and cauterizing method using radiant heat
Telescoping electric hair curling iron with an integrally molded
Telescoping hair curler
Temperature adjusting device for a soldering iron
Temperature control circuit for a hand held soldering tool
Temperature controlled solder extractor electrically heated tip
Temperature controlled soldering iron employing a variable resis
Temperature controlled soldering iron having low tip leakage vol
Temperature controlled soldering iron with a unitary electricall
Temperature controlled soldering resistor to change the set temp
Temperature responsive fluid delivery control device for a steam
Temperature self-regulating soldering iron with removable tip
Temperature self-regulating, electrically-heated spoon
Terminal members of an electric tool for receiving detachable ti
Thermal binding device
Thermal cutting apparatus