Spindle motor with stability and vibration reduction mechanism
Spring for motors and optical disk driver with such spring
Spring-suspension magnetically stabilized pick-up arm
Step movement mechanism
Storage device adjusting tilt angle of spindle motor against...
Storage medium library and storage medium magazine
Structure for fixing spindle motor to traverse chassis
Support mechanism and feeding unit including same
Support mechanism and feeding unit including same
Support mechanism and feeding unit including same
Supporting mechanism for optical pickup head
Thin structured slot-in type optical disk apparatus
Tilt focus method and mechanism for an optical drive
Tilting movement optical pickup actuator and optical...
Transducer assembly for thermally assisted writing and read...
Transducer-supporting structure
Transverse-adjustment device for a spindle motor
Traverse module for disc apparatus with tilt adjustable...
Turn table and optical disk using the turn table
Turntable allowing easy assembly of magnetizing yoke