Magnetic head with magnetoresistive sensor, and scanning device
Magnetic head with magnetoresistive sensor, inductive write head
Magnetic head with thin sheet exhibiting magnetoresistive proper
Magnetic head with versatile gap
Magnetic head with vialess lead layers from MR sensor to pads
Magnetic hybrid interleaved head with closure supporting islands
Magnetic information detecting apparatus
Magnetic movement sensing device
Magnetic read head for a very narrow track
Magnetic read head having a multilayer magnetoresistant element
Magnetic read head with magneto-resistance effect
Magnetic read/write head having a writing-compensated magnetores
Magnetic reading and writing head with magnetoresistant element
Magnetic reading head having a magnetoresistant element and impr
Magnetic reading head using the hall effect
Magnetic recorded information reproducing apparatus
Magnetic recording and reproducing device using a giant magnetor
Magnetic recording and reproducing system
Magnetic recording and reproduction
Magnetic recording head with integrated magnetoresistive element