Marine evaporator for fresh water production
Mass transfer process
Material for a facility for the production of anhydrous...
Mechanical vapor recompression separation process
Membrane dehydration of vaporous feeds by countercurrent condens
Methacrylic acid separation
Methanol distillation process
Methanol recovery using extractive distillation
Method and a device for the control of a distillation or condens
Method and an apparatus for the desalination of seawater
Method and an installation for purifying industrial waste water,
Method and apparatus for achieving balanced flow on multipass di
Method and apparatus for concentrating slurried solids
Method and apparatus for converting saline water to fresh water
Method and apparatus for converting saline water to fresh water
Method and apparatus for decontaminating a liquid
Method and apparatus for decontaminating a liquid surfactant of
Method and apparatus for desalinating and concentrating sea...
Method and apparatus for desalinization of water