Tall coke oven sole flue
Temporary heat-proof apparatus for use in repairing coke ovens
Thermal power station combined with a plant for seawater desalin
Thermocompression-type apparatus for desalting saline water
Thermolytic distillation of carbonaceous material
Thermopervaporation apparatus
Thin layer liquid film type evaporator
Thin wall coke quenching container
Tire pyrolizing
Top dust collecting apparatus in coke quenching system
Transverse-flow catalytic reactor for conversion of waste...
Traveling hood for coke oven emission control
Traveling hood for coke oven emission control
Travelling bed drier apparatus for the operation of a carbonizat
Tripper beam
Tritium distillation device
Tunnel for distillation of fresh water from ocean salt water
Turret type, single spot coke oven door machine and guide