Shed-type enclosure at the coke side of coke ovens
Single-spot quench car
Slatted top quench car
Spray nozzle for coke oven gas-collecting system
Spring adjusting device for a self-sealing coke oven door
Sprinkler for vent part of ascension pipe of coke oven
Structure for extreme thermal cycling
Suction arrangement for withdrawing contaminated gases emitted f
Support beam for easily polymerizeable substance treatment...
Support for a device for cleaning the doors of a battery-arrange
System for control of a coking plant
System for coupling a quenching car to a hood car and for brakin
System to acquire and monitor operating machinery positions for
Traveling hood for coke oven emission control
Tripper beam
Turret type, single spot coke oven door machine and guide
Universal coke oven door liner
Valve arrangement for coke oven offtake conduits
Valve system and method for unheading a coke drum
Valve system for unheading a coke drum