Stopper for wine or champagne preservation and dispensing...
Storage tube for spray can extender tubes
Subdividing apparatus for aerosol container
Surface tension storage device with buffer-tank
Syphon assembly and package incorporating the assembly
Syphon package with mechanically attached valve
Syringe adapted to overcome a pressure resistance
Syringes adapted to overcome a pressure resistance
System and method for mixing bone cement
System for dispensing a product
System for storing and dispensing a gas-solubilized product
Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling...
Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling...
Tap assembly adapted for a fluid dispenser
Tap for bottles
Tap head for keg fittings
Tap head for keg fittings
Tap with spaced product and gas tubes
Tapping apparatus for golden gate type beer keg openings
Tapping faucet