Torquing auxiliary
Totally adjustable bracket system
Toughness coating for crystalline orthodontic brackets
Tow element bracket system for true straight wire orthodontics
Tracing device and method for recording mandibular movement
Track system
Training method and apparatus for dental bur identification
Transducer activated subgingival tool tip
Transducer activated tool tip
Transducer activated tool tip
Transfer abutment
Transfer cap for dental implants
Transfer copings and related methods for taking implant...
Transfer element for transferring the position of a dental...
Transfer jig for dental implants and method for making a model
Transfer-type impression coping
Transformable orthodontic O-ring dispenser
Translingual orthodontic device and method of use for same
Transmission gear for a dental handpiece
Transmucosal healing cap and lockwasher for dental implants