Removal of dental crowns with wire noose
Removing post from human bony structure
Root canal posts
Root post
Shells for temporary and provisional crowns with an...
Slitted metal foil for forming a dental coping and method
Slotted tap and lentulo drill for dental post system
Snugly fitting denture and process of its manufacture
Solid calcium phosphate materials
Stainless steel dental crowns with a polyester/epoxy coating
Stomatological implant
Storage and mounting device for a dental retentive pin
Stressless pin or post
Superstructure for an artificial tooth
Support post and method for coronal prosthesis
System for fabrication of dental cast post and core using a burn
Temporary and semi-permanent dental crowns
Temporary dental crown and method of forming the same
Tooth caps and artificial teeth and the method of forming same
Tooth dowels