Periodontic tool with triangular vibration path
Permanently lubricated dental prophylaxis angle
Permanently lubricated dental prophylaxis angle
Permanently lubricated dental prophylaxis angle
Personal health care device
Personal interproximal dental surface cleaning and drug...
Phantom for a dental panoramic x-ray apparatus
Photo-curing light assembly having calibratable light...
Photocuring device with axial array of light emitting diodes...
Photopolymerization apparatus
Physiological stereo articulator
Piezoelectric polymeric film discriminating bite force occlusal
Piezoelectric polymeric film occlusal force indicator
Pin stabilizer for dental model
Pin tray dental prostheses modeling system with re-usable tray
Pin-tray dental prostheses modeling system
Pinch valve assembly
Pinned dental models and their preparation and use
Planar light beam orientation device