Range prediction in fleet management of electric and...
Range selection control device of automatic transmission
Rapid adjustment of trajectories for land vehicles
Rapid capture of a slipping high-mu wheel during a setpoint...
Rapid transient torque management in DISI engines
Rate limiting control system
Rating that represents the status along a specified driving...
Ratio control method for a continuously variable transmission
Re-entry strategy from boost mode to EGR mode
Real time adaptive engine position estimation
Real time imaging system and method for use in aiding a landing
Real time planning and scheduling for a team of unmanned...
Real time position correction to ground generated spacecraft eph
Real time stamping synchronization system
Real time vehicle guidance and forecasting system under...
Real time vehicle guidance and traffic forecasting system
Real-time ad hoc traffic alert distribution
Real-time engine misfire detection method
Real-time identification of maximum tire-road friction...
Real-time misfire detection for automobile engines with medium d