Predicted path selection system and method for hazard coding...
Predicted path selection system and method for hazard coding...
Premature descent into terrain visual awareness enhancement...
Process and device for aiding aerial navigation
Process and device for aiding aerial navigation, facilitating th
Process and device for aiding aerial navigation, with...
Process and device for aiding the driving of a vehicle...
Process and device for automatically controlling the thrust...
Process and device for automatically supported guidance of...
Process and device for constructing a synthetic image of the...
Process and device for controlling at least one aerodynamic...
Process and device for detecting the failure of a pressure...
Process and device for determining in real time the behavior...
Process and device for estimating at least the vertical...
Process and device for guiding a mobile craft
Process and device for monitoring the validity of a speed...
Process and system for moving a control surface of an aircraft
Process and system for transmitting information on an aircraft
Process and system for transmitting information on an aircraft
Programmable autopilot system for autonomous flight of...