Apparatus and method for compressor and turbine performance...
Apparatus and method for coverage directed test
Apparatus and method for designing proteins and protein...
Apparatus and method for determining patterns of damage...
Apparatus and method for efficient representation of...
Apparatus and method for generating behaviour in an object
Apparatus and method for isolating noise effects in a signal
Apparatus and method for isolating noise effects in a signal
Apparatus and method for modeling relationships between signals
Apparatus and method for optimizing three-dimensional model
Apparatus and method for reduced-order modeling of...
Apparatus and method for simulating transportation of...
Apparatus and method for simulation of the control and...
Apparatus and method for terrain model reproduction
Apparatus and method for text segmentation based on coherent...
Apparatus and method to develop multi-core...
Apparatus and methods for creating sketch-based eggcrate...
Apparatus and methods for detection of systematic defects
Apparatus and program for analyzing electromagnetic field
Apparatus for calculating immunity from radiated...