Weighted linear bilingual word alignment model
Weighted spectral distance calculator
Weighted system of expressing language information using a...
Weighting method for use in information extraction and...
Wheelchair voice control apparatus
Wide band synthesis through extension matrix
Wide-band signal encoder
Wide-band speech spectral quantizer
Wideband audio signal encoding apparatus that divides wide...
Wideband extension of telephone speech for higher perceptual...
Wideband speech codec using a higher sampling rate in...
Wideband speech coder and decoder that band divides an input spe
Wideband speech coding system and method
Wideband speech synthesis from a narrowband speech signal
Window control apparatus and method having function for controll
Window control apparatus and method having function for...
Windowing method for decoding of MPEG audio data
Wired and cordless telephone systems with extended frequency...
Wireless microphone system
Wireless voice-activated device for control of a...