Waveform interpolation speech coding apparatus and method...
Waveform interpolation speech coding using splines
Waveform modulated wireless rural area network (WRAN)...
Waveform signal compression and expansion along time axis...
Waveform speech synthesis
Waveform synthesis
Wavelet processing with leading and trailing edge extrapolation
Wavelet-based energy binning cepstal features for automatic...
Wearable computer system and modes of operating the system
Wearable display system with indicators of speakers
Wearable telecommunications apparatus with voice/speech...
Web server controls for web enabled recognition and/or...
Web service call flow speech components
Web translation provider
Web triggered word set boosting for speech interfaces to the wor
Web-based interactive radio environment: WIRE
Web-based platform for interactive voice response (IVR)
Web-based proofing and usage guidance
Web-based voice dialog interface
Weighted frequency-channel background noise suppressor