Acoustic speech recognition method and system using stereo...
Acoustic speech recognizer system and method
Acoustical-signal processing apparatus, acoustical-signal...
Acquisition and application of contextual role knowledge for...
Acronym extraction system and method of identifying acronyms...
Action teaching apparatus and action teaching method for...
Activation control of a speech recognizer through use of a point
Active labeling for spoken language understanding
Active learning for spoken language understanding
Active learning for spoken language understanding
Active learning process for spoken dialog systems
Adaptation of a speech recognition system across multiple...
Adaptation of language models and context free grammar in...
Adaptation of statistical parsers based on mathematical...
Adaptation system and method for E-commerce and V-commerce...
Adapter for allowing both online and offline training of a...
Adapting a hidden Markov sound model in a speech recognition...
Adapting a language model to accommodate inputs not found in...
Adapting a user interface for voice control
Adapting input speech and reference patterns for changing speake