Injecting high frequency noise into pulse excitation for low...
Input method for a driver information system
Input system for at least location and/or street names
Instability eradication for analysis-by-synthesis speech codecs
Instantaneous detection of human speech pitch pulses
Integrated endpoint detection for improved speech recognition me
Integrated frequency-domain voice coding using an adaptive spect
Integrated handwriting and speed recognition systems
Integrated speech recognition, closed captioning, and...
Integrated speech synthesizer with an automatic...
Integrated system and method for mobile audio playback and...
Integrated system and method for mobile audio playback and...
Integrating a voice browser into a Web 2.0 environment
Integrating external voices
Integrating external voices
Integrating keyword spotting with graph decoder to improve...
Integration of music from a personal library with real-time...
Integration of speech recognition and stenographic services...
Integration of talking heads and text-to-speech synthesizers...
Intelligent discontinuous transmission and comfort noise...