Thread suspension system and method using trapping...
Thread-data affinity optimization using compiler
Tip technology and its application to sparcompiler pascal
Tool for converting .MAP file formats
Trace based method for the analysis, benchmarking and tuning of
Trace on/off with breakpoint register
Trace ranking in a dynamic translation system
Tracing the execution path of a computer program
Tracing the execution path of a computer program
Tracking format of registers having multiple content formats...
Tracking loop entry and exit points in a compiler
Transfer syntax notational system and method
Transformation of an asynchronous transactional messaging...
Transformation of an asynchronous transactional messaging...
Transformation of an asynchronous transactional messaging...
Transformation of electronic messages to an extensible data...
Transformation of objects between a computer programming...
Transformation of objects between a computer programming...
Transforming character strings that are contained in a unit...
Transforming locks in software loops