System and method for continuous software configuration,...
System and method for controlling software configuration in...
System and method for deriving a process-based specification
System and method for developing custom operator-specific...
System and method for efficient development of configurable...
System and method for efficient development of configurable...
System and method for efficiently analyzing and building...
System and method for identifying namespaces
System and method for implementing a project facility
System and method for implementing code hooks in a web-based...
System and method for incorporating changes as a part of a...
System and method for information collection for an adaptive...
System and method for integrating resources in a network
System and method for managing hierarchical software...
System and method for software component dependency checking
System and method for software module architecture language...
System and method for supplementing program builds with file...
System and method for the configuration of software products
System and method of extending application types in a...
System and methods for automatically verifying management packs