Creating a sentence that describes a walk of a graph
Creating a theme used by an authoring application to produce...
Creating a voice response grammar from a presentation grammar
Creating a voice response grammar from a presentation grammar
Creating digital artwork based on content file metadata
Creating documentation screenshots on demand
Creating virtual targets in directory structures
Creating, displaying, and editing a sub-process within a...
Creation and manipulation of internet location objects in a...
Creation of a reference point to mark a media presentation
Creation of image designation file and reproduction of image...
Creation of three-dimensional user interface
Cross-view undo/redo for multi-view editing environments
Cursor movable interactive message
Cursor tracking in a multi-level GUI
Customizable database-driven menu structure for a portable...
Customizable layout of search results
Customizable music visualizer with user emplaced video...
Customizable presentation environment
Customizable remote order entry system and method