Technical support chain automation with guided self-help...
Technique enabling end users to create secure...
Technique for accelerating the creation of a point in time...
Technique for accessing an item of interest within a stored...
Technique for accessing heterogeneous directory services in an A
Technique for annotating media
Technique for auto filling values in a user interface
Technique for automatically and transparently transforming...
Technique for changing views of web content
Technique for creating a unique quasi-random row identifier
Technique for creating self described data shared across...
Technique for data mining of large scale relational...
Technique for data mining using a web service
Technique for deleting duplicate records referenced in an...
Technique for detecting a shared temporal relationship of...
Technique for detecting a subsuming temporal relationship of...
Technique for determination of an exception in...
Technique for determining the age of the oldest reading...
Technique for effectively instantiating attributes in associatio
Technique for effectively maintaining materialized views in...