Rhetorical content management system and methods
Rhetorical content management system and methods
Rhetorical content management with tone and audience profiles
Rich cross object navigation in mobile applications
Rich text medium displaying method and picture information...
Right and center font justification for a document system librar
Risk-modulated proactive data migration for maximizing...
Robust clustering of web documents
Robust modification of persistent objects while preserving...
Robust modification of persistent objects while preserving...
Rotationally desensitized unistroke handwriting recognition
Routine executing method in database system
Routine executing method in database system
Row hash match scan in a partitioned database system
Row hash match scan join using summary contexts for a...
Row redistribution in a relational database management system
Row triggers
Row-level security in a relational database management system
Row-level security in a relational database management system
Rule based compatibility module