Extensible dependency management framework and method
Extensible digital library
Extensible framework of key resource manager and transaction...
Extensible framework supporting deposit of heterogenous data...
Extensible method and apparatus for retrieving files having uniq
Extensible method for obtaining a record of data backup...
Extensible method for obtaining an historical record of data...
Extensible method for obtaining an historical record of data...
Extensible ordered information within a web page
Extensible portlet templates
Extensible remote data synchronization
Extensible stylesheet designs in visual graphic environments
Extensible workflows
Extension of browser web page content labels and password...
Extension of data definition language (DDL) capabilities for...
Extension of data definition language (DDL) capabilities for...
Extension of data definition language (DDL) capabilities for...
Extension of formulas and formatting in an electronic...
Extension of organizational chart dynamic group lists based...
Extension of write anywhere file layout write allocation