System and method for real-time library generation of...
System and method for real-time recognition of driving patterns
System and method for real-time recognition of driving patterns
System and method for real-time recognition of driving patterns
System and method for remotely diagnosing faults
System and method for remotely diagnosing faults
System and method for representing and incorporating...
System and method for representing and retrieving knowledge in a
System and method for resolving gamma-ray spectra
System and method for resource adaptive classification of...
System and method for retrieving and intelligently grouping...
System and method for revealing necessary and sufficient...
System and method for run-time data reduction
System and method for scalable cost-sensitive learning
System and method for selecting a suitable technical...
System and method for selecting a training sample from a...
System and method for selecting responses to user input in...
System and method for sharing of expert knowledge
System and method for signal prediction
System and method for simulating conciousness