Deploying a document classification system
Detection of pump cavitation/blockage and seal failure via...
Determining a relevance function based on a query error...
Determining compliance rates for probabilistic requests
Determining temporal patterns in sensed data sequences by...
Determining whether a variable is numeric or non-numeric
Device for recognizing information conveyed by a received signal
Device for the autonomous generation of useful information
Device system for the autonomous generation of useful...
Diagnosis of abnormal operation modes of a machine utilizing...
Digital signal processing method, learning method, apparatus...
Digital signal processing method, learning method,...
Dimensional reduction using data matching in high...
Discrete-time tuning of neural network controllers for nonlinear
Domain name geometrical classification using character-based...
Drug profiling apparatus and method
Dynamic message filtering
Dynamic programming network
Dynamic synapse for signal processing in neural networks
Efficient methods for temporal event clustering of digital...