Segment-preserving crossover in genetic algorithms
Self-organizing control system
Simultaneous evolution of the architecture of a multi-part progr
Structural formula display system, method, and program...
Swarm autonomic agents with self-destruct capability
Swarm autonomic agents with self-destruct capability
System and method for analyzing genertic algorithms
System and method for coarse-classing variables in a...
System and method for constructing cognitive programs
System and method for determining difficulty measures for...
System and method for developing a propensity model
System and method for dynamic learning control in genetically en
System and method for estimation of a distribution algorithm
System and method for genetic algorithm scheduling systems
System and method for implementing a multi objective...
System and method for providing a user-selected best...
System and method for scalable cost-sensitive learning
System and method for the use of an adaptive mutation...
System and method for tracking vehicles using random search algo
System for hybridized efficient genetic algorithms to solve...