Computer user interface system and method having book image feat
Computer user interface system and method having book image...
Computer user interface using a physical manipulatory grammar
Computer user interface with non-salience de-emphasis
Computer user interface with non-salience deemphasis
Computer user interface with non-salience deemphasis
Computer user interface with non-salience deemphasis
Computer user interface with non-salience deemphasis
Computer vision system with a graphic user interface and remote
Computer-based browsing method and computer program product...
Computer-based conferencing system with local operation function
Computer-based documentation and instruction
Computer-based documentation and instruction
Computer-based group problem solving method and system
Computer-based list editor
Computer-based universal remote control system
Computer-controlled home theater independent user-control
Computer-executable method for improving understanding of...
Computer-implemented image acquistion system
Computer-implemented user interface having semi-transparent scro